Meet a track expert
Guy Thomas, Rekortan, Global R&D Technical Manager
Tracks are a major investment. Therefore, we thought it would be good to discuss tracks with Guy and help give you some thoughts on what to look for.
What is your background?
I started working with my dad and brother, on my hands and knees building tracks. Our family business built the 3M Tartan systems. Tartan was the first polyurethane synthetic track, it was first used at the Mexico 1968 Olympics.
Over the years I have worked in all parts of the industry, including applications, product development, technical training, material production, sales and operations.
Describe your present role as Rekortan Global R&D Technical Manager
I am focused on developing new track products, methods, and systems. I work with our chemists on new concepts and formulations, as well as training our installers.
My experience is also helpful to end users – track buyers. I consult with schools and facilities to help them navigate the track building process, covering things like size of site needed, orientation of the track, construction principles, best type of track surface, impermeable/permeable, textures and colors.
“For longevity a track system must come from a quality proven provider, however just as important is the construction. If the substrate isn’t right the track can have problems - I can’t emphasis this enough.”
Overall, what is key consideration when making a track decision?
The key is the balance between performance, longevity, and budget.
Most community projects start with the budget, while high end facilities tend to start with the desired performance and then look at the budget.
Often forgotten is that by far most track usage is training. Therefore ‘performance’ means that the track will work day-in-day-out for training AND meet the race-day performance requirements. The Olympics often have a training track that is separate from the harder main stadium track – this is luxury that more facilities can’t afford!
For longevity a track system must come from a quality proven provider, however just as important is the construction. If the substrate isn’t right the track can have problems - I can’t emphasis this enough.
Tell us about the Rekortan Gel Series
This is our newest track technology; it is the only Gel track in the world and is our #1 system for performance and longevity. It should be considered by facilities looking for maximum athlete performance and welfare, and who are able to invest in a long-term asset.
With Gel the athlete and coach can trust the force reduction, and benefit from less fatigue. Gel technology retains 95-98% of its original force reduction for over 10 years. Plus, the force reduction is more stable during hot/cold weather than traditional PUR tracks. Runners hate when the tracks soften or harden!
From an installation point of view our Gel tracks have superior qualities that resist the impact of water during installation. This is very valuable if your track install might coincide with rain.
Tell us about Full PUR tracks
Until Gel technology was developed Full PUR tracks provided the highest performance (mix of force reduction and energy return) and longevity. Full PUR describes the pouring of polyurethane in layers.
Traditionally full PUR tracks have been chosen by colleges and schools with elite track programs. However, they can be a good choice for communities wanting longer lasting performance.
They come with a 5-year warranty, and typically after 7-9 years (so long as it still has the structural integrity) you can re-top and double the life of your track. The asset, well installed with good quality materials can last 15+ years.
“Because of their balance between performance and price (think of a Toyota), these tracks are very popular. Rekortan M is the most certified track in the world.”
Tell us about the Sandwich Series
These are really good systems to look at because they balance budget and performance. These systems have the same top layer as the Full PUR, but you save money with the paved base.
They have important installation benefits too because the Sandwich System is very good at overcoming imperfections in the substrate. Some surfaces, which are pre-manufactured and glued directly require the asphalt or concrete to be perfect which adds to the costs and time.
Because of their balance between performance and price (think of a Toyota), these tracks are very popular. Rekortan M is the most certified track in the world.
Tell us about the Basemat Series
The Basemat Series are great market entry systems, and very resilient, and proven over thousands of installations.
The paved base layer is very forgiving with the asphalt imperfections, and you can achieve excellent planetarily with the top coat.
For a school with limited budget, a smart approach can be to install the paved base and use this, and then add the top layer a few years later. This is a good way to spread costs and avoid installing a latex track which can’t be enhanced at a later date.
Tell us about Resurfacing
Every owner should be planning for this, it is better for the ROI on the asset and the environment.
Resurfacing is achieved by either re-spraying or a fluid applied re-top. A good, well installed track system on a quality substrate should last 15+ years with a re-top. That is the full lifecycle everyone should be aiming for.